I do heed a patient’s advice for hairline design before a hair transplant !


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Though this patient’s desire is extreme, not uncommonly, patients do bring preconceived notions of their desired hairline or graft distribution, often based on personal preferences, celebrity influence, or societal standards.

Some will reconsider the doctor’s advice, others remain adamant and will not budge.

If your chosen hairline, the one you insist upon, falls within the ambit of esthetic goodness, that is not a problem with me, but if it does not, and you are inflexible, and do not trust your chosen doctor with your hairline, there’s a Big problem.

Take a deep breath and reconsider what brought you here!
Let’s see today’s result- resulting in a natural hairline his barber couldn’t tell!
While it is understandable to have expectations, the intricate nature of hairline design and graft distribution should ultimately be left to the discretion of the hair restoration surgeon you have entrusted.

The design of the hairline is far more complex than simply placing hairs in a straight or curved line. The hairline is a three-dimensional structure that has to be in harmony with the patient’s facial proportions, age, ethnicity, and gender. A surgeon will also account for the natural irregularity of a hairline, including its micro- and macro-irregularities.

When patients impose rigid, overly symmetrical hairline designs, the result can appear unnatural and detract from the overall aesthetics.

Trusting the surgeon allows for a hairline that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also congruent with the individual’s unique anatomy.

Hairline design is often described as a blend of artistry and medical science. Surgeons bring a trained eye for what will look good not just immediately after surgery but also decades into the future. They consider how the hairline will age, taking into account factors like future hair loss, progression of androgenic alopecia, deterioration of the scalp donor over time, and hair density. A surgeon’s experience enables him to create a result that looks natural both now and as the patient ages, whereas an untrained individual might focus solely on the immediate outcome, leading to poor long-term results. A rash of such results are results are available on the internet the moment you search. But you never hear of them after even as less as 2 years !

Watch my long term results here:

Patients may come in with a desire for a low, juvenile hairline or excessive hair density, but this may not be suitable or sustainable based on the patient’s donor area, degree of baldness, and age.

As I have said before, you should grow into your hairline as you age, not grow out of it!
Not all grafts are created equal. A professional hair transplant surgeon is acutely aware of how different types of follicular units—single, double, and triple-haired grafts—should be placed. For example, single-hair grafts are essential for creating a natural-looking frontal hairline, while denser, multi-haired grafts can be strategically placed in other areas to maximize coverage. By attempting to dictate where grafts should be placed, patients might inadvertently disrupt this delicate balance, resulting in an unnatural or less dense appearance in critical areas.

And that is the reason I am against simultaneous placement of grafts alongwith harvesting, since grafts come out of the scalp donor in random groupings sometimes single hair grafts and mostly 2s and 3s. And we have to start with the front leading row. How is simultaneous placement going to solve your problem? To this day it remains a marketing gimmick for gullible clients who have not done their research to back up their objectives.

A trained surgeon has the experience to align the patient’s expectations with what is realistically achievable. A surgeon will guide patients towards a hairline and graft distribution that aligns with their long-term aesthetic goals, which may involve accepting certain compromises for the sake of naturalness and sustainability.
In my clinic, I put my reputation above profit, I am not motivated to sell you a dream. We are committed to delivering realistic and natural outcomes that shall enhance your overall appearance rather than conforming to arbitrary standards. By allowing me to make decisions regarding hairline design and graft placement, you ensure that your results will be both pleasing and enduring. I have published the largest series of long term results – results that have withstood the onslaught of DHT through strategic medical protocols over several years.

So, let your surgeon take charge. He will not disappoint you. He has several years of experience to back up what he is advising for your hairline and coverage.

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