Why is it that FUE is not reproducible in the hands of many surgeons, where as in the hands of a dedicated surgeon the procedure can be executed to such a level of finesse & excellence that rapid FUE harvest and other unique features can be a part of the procedure? Is it purely due to lack of training or something else?

FUE has a long learning curve longer than that of the traditional FUT procedure. FUE requires long hours of patient learning under high magnification. Once you take up FUE as a profession, you are married to it since it requires the whole day to accomplish if the doctor is doing the harvesting himself. Most doctors cannot-

  • Use high magnification
  • Sit for long hours in difficult postures
  • They usually cannot leave their lucrative dermatology/ plastic surgery practice they are used to in favour of FUE which requires complete sacrifice of time and attention.
  • Leave doing FUT procedure which gives them a lot of free time for other avocations. (A strip surgeon typically spends just one hour)
  • Lastly, FUE learning centers are few. Since it is a new technique, most centers remain closeted with their technique and do not open their doors to those seeking FUE training.